Menopause Basics
Menopause is a phase in every woman’s life as her reproductive years come to an end.
It is the time when a woman has gone without a period for 12 months in a row.
It is caused by a gradual decline in reproductive hormones, estrogen, and progesterone, due to natural aging.
Menopause can also be induced through surgery or certain medications.
The average age of menopause is 51.
Perimenopause, which can last from 2 to 10 years, is when most intense menopause symptoms occur, including irregular periods, hot flashes, and night sweats.
Women are generally encouraged to approach entering the menopausal transition the most natural and least invasive way.
Causes of Menopause Menopause happens as a result of a decline of hormones due to natural aging. As women age, the supply of their ovarian eggs, which are the main producers of key reproductive hormones, estrogen, and progesterone, gradually decreases until it reaches total depletion. With no eggs being released, no hormonal production, and no periods occurring for 12 consecutive months, a woman is said to have entered natural menopause.
Menopause relief and treatment
Women are generally encouraged to approach entering the menopausal transition the most natural and least invasive way.
Following a healthy lifestyle is essential in relieving the symptoms of menopause include. Make sure you:
Follow a nutritious diet
Exercise regularly
Have wholesome habits
Some phytoestrogenic and hormone-balancing herbs effectively reduce the severity of menopause symptoms. Considered one of the safest and most effective ways to balance hormone levels naturally, they include:
Herbs for menopause (black cohosh, damiana, dong quia etc.)
Natural supplements
Vitamins for menopause
Because of the serious health risks involved with menopause medications, their use is typically reserved for the most severe symptoms.
Medications for alleviating menopause symptoms include:
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)
Oral contraceptives
Other medications
Vitamin "E" is an essential element for women of all ages, it takes an active part in the formation of the correct functioning of the ovaries.
It is the E group vitamins that enhance the body's own production of the hormones progesterone and estrogen. With the onset of menopause, vitamin E has a positive effect on the performance of the circulatory system, promotes regeneration and strengthening of the venous and capillary network.
During the onset of menopause, the most optimal dose of vitamin E for women over 50 years old is 100-200 mg per day. But experts do not recommend taking more than 300 mg per day. After the first intake of drugs, the woman will feel a significant improvement in her condition.
Vitamin A
The intake of microelements of group "A" has a strong antioxidant effect. Due to this, the risk of growth and development of tumors in the uterine cavity, appendages, mammary glands is significantly reduced.
Retinol or vitamin "A" improves the natural hydration of the skin, thereby significantly slowing down the aging process. During the period when the first symptoms of menopause appear, the risk of developing mastopathy, hyperestrogenism, or endometrial hyperplasia is high. To prevent the development of such problems, a course of vitamin retinol is prescribed.
It significantly reduces the level of sensitivity of the mammary glands, the effects of estrogen in the genitals. In fact, it is retinol that belongs to antineoplastic agents and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, appearance in general. Also, vitamin "A" has a positive effect on mucous membranes, improves elasticity, eliminates dry skin.
A significant advantage of taking retinol is its antihistamine effect. Experts recommend taking approximately 900 mg of the element per day during the development of menopause.
Vitamin C
Essentially, we are talking about ascorbic acid when the doctor prescribes vitamin "C".
This element is characterized by antioxidant effects, due to which it is possible to significantly reduce the risk of possible oncology in a woman during menopause.
Experts recommend that women take preparations based on vitamin "C" regularly and in large quantities. In the spring, everything is much easier, for women it is enough to include fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs in their diet.
Vitamins B
Preparations based on B vitamins contribute to the normalization of the nervous system, improve the functioning of the enzyme system. Therefore, in order to relieve irritability, to increase immunity with the development of menopause, qualified specialists prescribe an enhanced course of taking vitamins of the "B" group. Also, it is this element that helps to improve the appearance of the skin during menopause.
Especially in this period, the mineral pyridoxine "B6" and thiamine "B1" are isolated. Today, these are tranquilizers that help restore normal sleep, rest, significantly improve rest, mood. Vitamins "B" help to improve performance, regulate the tone of the nervous system.
Magnesium has a sedative effect on a woman's body in such a difficult period. Thanks to the intake of this element, you can easily eliminate irritability, improve sleep, and fight insomnia. Thanks to the intake of this mineral, cholesterol levels are significantly reduced. During the entire climatic period, regardless of age, all women need magnesium. Taking magnesium helps in the prevention of myocardial infarction.
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The product above is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease.